Opera 11 Released, Complete with Extensions, Visual Mouse Gestures and More
Posted on: 2010-12-16 14:44:37

We're pretty sure this isn't Santa's doing but it can still be thought of as a holiday gift. Yes, Opera fans, Opera 11 went though three RCs at a lightning-fast pace and is now available for download in a final form.

Written by Cristian @ TechConnect

Opera 11 is available for Windows, Mac OS and Linux and brings a heap of new features - extensions support for more functionality, tab stacking for better tab management, pinned tabs, visual mouse gestures, a tweaked address field enabling one-click access to a site's security and trust information, a new bookmarks bar, Mail panel upgrades, enhanced HTML5 support, and more speed. All this comes in a package that's 30% smaller than that of Opera 10.

To download Opera 11 see Click Here. (8.9 MB)

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