TeamSpeak and Overwolf
Posted on: 2011-12-15 16:41:14

Source: Blue's News

TeamSpeak announces a collaboration with Overwolf to enhance the application's in-game voice chat support. The Overwolf beta now offers a TeamSpeak widget along with its in-game support for applications such as Facebook and Twitter. Here's word:

TeamSpeak users who install Overwolf will now be able to launch a TeamSpeak widget while they play to get full TeamSpeak UI functionality in-game. In addition, the widget includes in-game notifications for server events such as who has just joined or left your server and who is currently speaking. With Overwolf and TeamSpeak, users can also administer their server, change voice settings, manage channels or do just about anything they want with TeamSpeak without leaving their game. The initial release will only support the 32bit version of the TeamSpeak client (64bit will be supported soon). TeamSpeak users who don’t want to wait for an update can simply uninstall their 64bit TeamSpeak client, download the 32bit version from and begin using the widget immediately. Overwolf itself currently supports Windows XP, Vista and & 7 (32bit and 64bit) operating systems.

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