Fraps 3.5.3 Released
Posted on: 2012-05-29 15:19:24

Fraps 3.5 adds the much requested feature to allow AVI movie files larger than 4 gigabytes. Fraps will now write hybrid OpenDML/AVI files and allow large movies on NTFS drives. There's still an option to split at 4 gigabytes for legacy AVI 1.0 support.

Please be aware that the minimum system requirements have changed in Fraps 3.5.0. We now require a CPU with SSE2 instructions (Pentium 4 & above). Windows XP or higher is also now required. If you have an older system (Win2K or non-SSE2 CPU) you can still download the previous Fraps 3.4.7 release from the download page.

  • Fixed micro-stutter in recorded video after temporary framerate drop
  • Fixed missing video frames in some games after rendering paused
  • Fixed bug causing error message on startup for some users


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