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The load on the host is the most important factor in conducting a successful online TE or campaign. The load on the host is adjustable by the use of two utilities and by careful attention when building online TEs. Successful online sessions follow a few simple rules:

  1. The host selects the settings for F4Bubble, the packet frequency (150), the bubble slider (3), and his connection speed.
  2. The clients uses the same settings for F4Bubble, packet frequency, and the bubble slider. They set their connection speed one level down from the server's for Internet TE flights of 2 - 4 pilots, two levels down for Internet TE flights of 5 - 6 pilots, three levels down for greater than 6 pilots online. For very large TEs or campaigns it may be necessary to set communication speed to the next lower speed. The easiest method to set the communication speed, the packet frequency command line value, and enter the host's IP address is to use one of the many launcher programs. I am partial to John 'Cleanur' Hirst's F4Launcher that adds selections for the packet frequency, connection speed, and the host IP. These are passed into Falcon and show up in your phonebook as F4LAUNCH. Just click on it and connect. You can download this from Cleanur's site, .

    F4 Launcher by John 'Cleanur' Hirst
    Fig. 5. F4 Launcher by John 'Cleanur' Hirst

  3. The host launches, connects, and enters the chat. The clients launch, connect, and enter the chat then verify that all players can see everyone else's name listed on the chat member screen.
  4. The host launches the TE or campaign. The clients wait until the host declares he has entered the TE or the campaign has finished its planning phase, then they may join the TE. Avoid the use of voice comms like BattleComm, Roger-Wilco, or TeamSound while entering the TE. After you see the mission screen, select Comms again to join the second chat. When all players have appeared in the second chat you may resume the use of voice comm programs.
  5. Everyone may stop the clock to evaluate the tactical situation, change loadout and waypoints, and generally discuss the situation using the second chat window or a voice comms program.
  6. When everyone is ready to begin the mission the host launches the mission first. All other players simply observe the mission clock. When the clock begin to run, all clients may commit. Observe radio silence while 'in the pie'. When you have entered the cockpit provide some brief acknowledgement to your Flight Leader that you are in cockpit. You may adjust cockpit settings while waiting for the remainder of your flight in get 'in cockpit' but do not move your aircraft until everyone is 'in cockpit'
  7. You're ready now! "Falcon 1-1, ready for departure."

One final note for those wishing to try campaigns online. This requires good connections and patience. If you can set up a dedicated server you will probably be successful. To improve your chances, run Michael Barnes F4Reserves utility. This controls the number of aircraft Falcon is permitted to sortie at any one time from a particular squadron. Reduce the proportion of aircraft available from 75% (1.08us default) to 50% and raise the minimum number of aircraft available for normal duty to two (2). This will reduce the air activity to rational levels but still provide more than enough targets.

F4 Reserves by Michael Barnes
Fig. 6. F4 Reserves by Michael Barnes


I hope this has helped everyone understand more about the options available with all the recent improvements to Falcon. Thanks again to Sylvain Gagnon, father of the bubble, Madmax, mover of airbases, and Marco for bringing the helicopters to life, Poogen for fixing the comms, and several other people that I have forgotten or just can't keep up with. Thanks to Joel Bierling, Julian Onions, John Hirst, and Michael Barnes for great utilities. Thanks to Xis, Skypat, Viper99 and Paul Wilson for great cockpits. Thanks to Greyhawk for great sounds and a bunch of people for fixing the bird poop yellow sky. It is a beautiful day in Falconland, the sun is shining.

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